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The Advantages Of Dabbing With An E-Rig

So you love dabbing. Yeah! We bet you fell in love with your very first dab. The flavor, the rig, the options in concentratesā€¦

Everyone now knows that dabbing is the peak of all vaping experiences. But as you may have realized, mastering the dabbing ritual takes a bit of practice, not to mention money. Weā€™re pretty sure youā€™ve wasted some precious concentrates on dabbing fails. Because of this the dabbing ritual was reserved for the most knowledgable and skillful vapers. Well, technology has changed all that. Fear no more, the vaping world has come up with a wonderful solution:

An E-Rig

Whatā€™s an E-Rig? Exactly what the name implies: An electronically heated dabbing rig. That means itā€™s torch-less! No burning, no lighters, no butane, no pointless clicking of a failing torch. Let the magic of batteries happen.


The main advantage of having an E-Rig is obvious: You donā€™t need a torch. But of course, there are many other advantages. For example, with an E-Rig, you donā€™t need to guess the temperature and the risk of overheating is eliminated. Most E-Nails and E-Rigs have variable temperature settings that deliver consistent dabs throughout a battery charge. Some E-Rigs even have settings for continuous heating so your session can happen flawlessly without having to wait for your banger to reheat, like the Sesh Mode of theĀ Puffco Peak Vaporizer. Of course, you could use something like theĀ Octave Terp TimerĀ to know the exact temperature of your banger, but for some people thatā€™s just one too many hassles.

Octave Terp Timer


Then thereā€™s portability. Most dabbing rigs are a bit bulky and require an at home, desktop setup, but many of the new E-Rigs out there are designed to be completely portable, like theĀ Kandypens Oura VaporizerĀ (Awarded ā€œBest Portable Dab Rig of 2019ā€ by The Vape Critic) or theĀ Xvape Vista Mini 2, both excellent choices for dabbing on the go.

XVape Vista Mini 2 Vaporizer


Of course, E-Rigs can also be rather versatile. For example, you could turn your current glass piece into an E-Rig by using an attachable E-Nail. An E-Nail is just an electronically heated banger or nail that you can use with any appropriate piece. There are several out in the market that do just that, like theĀ Quartz E-Nail Dab KitĀ that can turn any regular nail or banger into an E-Nail by attaching a heating coil that secures with a clip, or theĀ G Pen Connect,Ā a dab pen atomizer that can fit on any glass piece. Or you could turn your glass piece into a full on E-Rig with theĀ Hyer Big-E RigĀ that literally serves as an electronic heating base for any flat bottom glass piece. Itā€™s perfect for those who donā€™t want to simply stop using their collection.

In the end, when it comes to E-Rigs the possibilities have become pretty limitless and the advantages are clear. The choice is yours. Happy dabbing!

Quartz Enail Dab Kit
G Pen Connect
Hyer Big-E Rig

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