Your Vaping & Smoking Accessories Boutique

Our Story

Two brothers from Puerto Rico, one living in San Juan and the other in Miami, came together to form The Stash Shack; brothers that have always been very close, but with different interests in life. One was business oriented and more of a square (LOL), the other more artsy, a musician, and close to the smoking and vaping lifestyle.

At the tender age of six, Carlos began his artistic career at La Liga de Arte de San Juan and later continued to study at the University of Puerto Rico, from which he graduated an artist. He continued his art career working as a designer and art director for various magazines and other mediums in the publishing industry. His art background has been extremely useful to apply to web development and design. Meanwhile, he also developed his musical talents, playing the keyboards for one of Puerto Rico’s top reggae bands: Gomba Jahbari. His overall life experience has led up to this point, culminating in the creation of The Stash Shack.

Pedro has been a business person all his life and it was no surprise he chose to study Business Administration at Northeastern University in Boston. His dream has always been to create a business that makes him and other people happy to wake up in the morning and enjoy life. Who wouldn’t want that?

So when Carlos approached Pedro with the idea for The Stash Shack all ready to launch, Pedro put his skills to work and together they created a shop where every item has been curated to ensure top quality and enjoyment for all. The Stash Shack will be here for all your needs; Carlos and Pedro will be too so we can all share life’s good times.
