Your Vaping & Smoking Accessories Boutique

Why We Love Dynavap Vaporizers

Here at the Stash Shack we have a pretty big crush on the DynaVap vaporizers.

Maybe you’ve already heard of them, but if you haven’t, then let us do you the favor of introducing you to one of the best brands of vaporizer out there. Yeah, we might sound suspiciously enthusiastic, but it’s for a reason.

Battery Free

First off, DynaVap vaporizers are all battery-free. Yes. You read that right. No batteries! What? How? No way! (Don’t worry we made the same confused face when we first heard of it too.)

If you’re wondering how a vaporizer can work without a battery, it’s actually pretty simple: The VapCap. Back in 2015, in the great state of Wisconsin, DynaVap founder was looking for a way to create a vape that could decarb dry herb without requiring a battery. (If you’ve ever run out of battery in an inopportune time, you know how bad that can be.) The solution was to cover the conduction/convection herb chamber with a temperature-indicating stainless steel cap. Instead of using the flame directly on the herb, the flame heats up the cap, which in turn heats up the chamber, allowing for high-quality, great-tasting vapor in a very easy to use design, without the batteries!


Water Pipe Compatible

Of course, that wouldn’t be such an accomplishment all by itself, but it turns out, there’s much more to love here than what you see at first glance. Most DynaVap vaporizers have a tapered mouthpiece that fits 10mm/14mm female glass fittings . What does that mean? It means you can stick it into your water pipe fitting and instantly transform your pipe into a water vape. Yes, you just got a second product completely for free! (Provided you already own a water pipe.) And if your VapCap is too small for your pipe, there’s a mouthpiece adapter to make it bigger!

Concentrate Compatible

Should you be the kind of person that would rather vape a concentrate, worry not, DynaVap has you covered with the DynaCoil. It’s a magical medical grade titanium coil that fits into the tip of your vaporizer, instantly transforming it into a full melt concentrate-capable vape that can also be used with thick oils and liquids. For just a little extra, you now have three vapes in one.


DynaVap DynaCoil

New 2020 M Vaporizer

Newer models add new features thus keeping the simplicity that characterizes the brand, The new DynaVap 2020 M now has adjust-a-bowl technology that lets you reduce the heating chamber to 50% capacity so that saving and micro dosing are a cinch. The 2020 M also has a new redesigned Captive Cap with functional geometry that helps keep it in place and also lets you spin it for your own personal (possibly annoying to others) enjoyment.


Highly Customizable

Maintenance of your DynaVap vaporizer is very easy. All the parts and accessories are designed to be interchangeable between the different DynaVap designs so you can easily replace a part with a part from another DynaVap vaporizer, and even if you’d rather not do that, don’t worry. Spare DynaVap parts are available for purchase through any authorized dealer like The Stash Shack.

Do you already love DynaVap as much as we do?

Don’t forget your DynaStash

In case you need more reasons, maybe you want to pimp your vaping style with a DynaStash. Available in varying kinds of woods, the DynaStash will keep both your herbs and your vaporizer in one place with the added value of a magnet to keep your DynaVap standing tall as it cools. We also think it helps reach that cool down click much faster. They’ve thought of everything! And the best part is, since all the accessories are interchangeable, DynaVap vaporizers are very customizable.

DynaVap 2020 M Starter Pack

Do you see why we love DynaVap? Hopefully you do and will go on to have a wonderful happy vaping day. We certainly will
 with the DynaVap. 😉


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